Podcast Creation

noun [ U ]

[ pod-kast, ‐kahst ]

a digital audio file that can be taken from the internet and played on a computer or a device that you can carry with you


Webinar production

Online webinars are the perfect marriage between videos and podcasts, and interactive way to inspire the audience through beautiful photos to travel to that alternative destination for their next holiday. We mostly collaborate with travel organizations to offer valuable insider tips to their clients. We produce and broadcast our webinars through an advanced webinar application that allows for live polling and chatting. This makes it a fun and insightful way to share our knowledge and engage with your audience. Are you interested in a collaboration?

noun [ U ]

[ web-uh-nahr ]

a seminar or other presentation that takes place on the internet, allowing participants in different locations to see and hear the presenter, ask questions, and sometimes answer polls.